Fuck 'em all

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Thank you.

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“In what situation would a kid need this (gun)” ?

See meme immediately before!

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Yes, I ordered them.

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And the correct response is:

"Who are you to decide what my kid needs?"

It's fun to follow up with:

"Do you have car/MC/electric toothbrush/dishwasher/et c? You don't need that! You can do X by hand!"

That really sets them off, especially the women when you tell them they should use washable linen&cotton menstrual diapers - for the climate, of course.

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Do you think you might be a victim of oligarch propaganda, if you actually believe that "communism" killed 100 million people"?


The same with monopoly capitalist warmongering rackets, leading to all US wars, of course. It is not "capitalism" in itself doing the corruption and the killing, but the immoral greedy oligarch racketeers, and the people willingly obeying them, the people voting for them every election, willingly sending their sons to die, willingly taking the money and willingly committing the propaganda and the war crimes!

Remember "collateral murder" released by Wikileaks! Those murderers were probably not doing that because they were "capitalists"? It was simply a war crime, maybe even racist, and could have been avoided and punished, if laws were upheld by the USA. Instead, corrupt political criminals chose to go after the Journalist Assange and the whistleblower Manning, who I guess btw. are "libertarian" "capitalists".

It is the same with all communists, of course. They disagree on many things. I talked to members of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. You get different stories from the ugly oligarch media than from them, and different historians have different aspects.

Look into it! Do your research!

Funny clip about why we should do research:


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I'm certain that the ideology of Communism has resulted in 100 million deaths.

Communism requires the murder of those who produce more than average, because people like to keep what they have personally produced and do not easily give it up.

Once it becomes clear to everyone that there is no point in working hard because the fruits of their labor will be expropriated, then no one produces anything except at gunpoint, and even then as little as possible. So the whole society becomes poor.

Georgism, which prevents unfair profits from merely owning land, is a far better system.

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What research did you do when claiming "the ideology of Communism has resulted in 100 million deaths"? Did you research it critically, or just listen to self-absorbed individuals pulling out of their own rectum?

According to Karl Marx, Georgism, does not remove the problem of capitalism leading to slavery. More details here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1881/letters/81_06_20.htm

I suspect Karl Marx is correct. It will at first lead to effectiveness, probably, but then probably benefit people like farmer Bill, using ungodly tricks, probably outcompeting small honest farmers, who likely then will "own nothing and be happy" in 15 minute cities, until they inject themselves with ungodly technology from Farmer Bill, aiming for population reduction and total control through "bio-electric convergence".

However, I must agree with Farmer Bill too. The planet is overpopulated, and no smart individual injected that bioelectric shit from Farmer Bill anyway. So I guess Bill might do good, just like the lions on the savanna.

The gnus will complain and die, but hardly fight back. Surviving gnus might listen, but I do not bet on it.

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I read the Communist Manifesto in German.

I have read a lot about history.

I read Henry George's "Progress and Poverty".

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Some light reading about Communism:


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Considering the "bio-digital convergence" "Agenda 2030" democide...


... that greedy capitalists have committed, and all the suffering they have caused...


... it might not be enough to tax their stolen land? The people might actually want a new Uncle Joe [Joseph Stalin] and many like Vasily Blokhin, and go medieval and rip them a new one?

Or maybe they just want a larger kind of Nuremberg process? Or maybe a Real Democracy and People's Courts? Who knows? Cause and effect. Karma.

Why do the oligarchs and their puppets fear Joseph Stalin and his actions so much, and demonize him, while many Russians still adore him?

Could it be that he spoke evident truth, demanded accountability, and got rid of those damn greedy, corrupt, pedophile assholes, who probably tortured and killed the People, and drank children's blood, before the revolution? Who were they, and what did they probably call themselves? Jesus might be right, even if he seems to be gentler than Stalin. Rev. 3:9.

“Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism…. These organizations (i.e. Fascism and social democracy) are not antipodes, they are twins.”

/ Joseph Stalin

That is now very clear, also in Sweden, unfortunately. They are also guilty of the fascist democide, in cahoots with big psychopathic corporations.

“The present imposter government, which was not elected by the people and which is not accountable to the people, must be replaced by a government recognized by the people, elected by representatives of the workers, soldiers and peasants, and held accountable to their representatives”

/ Joseph Stalin

Will the current "safe and effective" "warp speed" imposters, removing liberties, be held accountable? Up to "We The People" of course!

“Having consolidated its power, and taking the lead of the peasantry, the proletariat of the victorious country can and must build a socialist society.”

/ Joseph Stalin

Look up the word "socialism", dear Patrick! Oligarchs hate it. They want you to "own nothing and be happy", while they own everything themselves.

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.”

/ Joseph Stalin

Compare that with imposters in the USA wanting ballot counting from digital machines owned by private companies!

”You are perplexed that only one party will participate in the elections. You can not see how an election with competing candidates can take place in these circumstances. But now, the fact is that candidates will not only be set up by the Communist Party, but by all kinds of popular, non-party-related organizations. And we have hundreds of them. We have no contending parties anymore because we do not have a capitalist class that is fighting a working class that is exploited by the capitalists. Our society consists exclusively of working people in towns and countryside, by workers, peasants and intellectuals. Each of these groups may have their own special interests and express them through the amount of people’s organizations that exist.”

/ Joseph Stalin

The oligarch media have been screaming "dictator" at this man for centuries... Of course, they are afraid of him. He was and is still a great threat to them. A man of steel, who cares for his people, not for oligarchs. Incorruptible. A man with character. Do listen to his bodyguard, and ignore the silly horror music added by an idiot!

”General, equal, direct and secret ballot becomes a whip of the population against the government agency that works poorly. In my view, the new Soviet Constitution is the most democratic in the world. ”

/ Joseph Stalin

Of course the oligarchs and their media are most terrified of Real Democracy, so they have you lured by two corrupted oligarch alternatives, when really...

”Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

/ Abraham Lincoln

”When a country’s government and media do nothing but lie 24/7,

how can democracy exist? Clearly, it cannot.”

/Paul Craig Roberts (Source: OpEdNews 12/5/2017)

And what was the real reason for the oligarch bank mafia supporting Hitler, and dishonest propaganda and a Cold War against communism?

”Our war for the freedom of our country will merge with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic liberties. It will be a united front of the peoples standing for freedom and against enslavement and threats of enslavement by Hitler’s fascist armies. In this connection the historic utterance of the British Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, regarding aid to the Soviet Union, and the declaration of the United States Government signifying readiness to render aid to our country, which can only evoke a feeling of gratitude in the hearts of the peoples of the Soviet Union, are fully comprehensible and symptomatic. ”

/ Josef Stalin (Source: Radio speech to the nation July 3, 1941)

Those oligarchs hated both national socialists and socialist communists, who by the way were all patriots. It was always a fight between the oligarchs and the people, the few oligarchs luring people, with the same interests of peace and prosperity, to kill each other.

So it is only logic to assume that Hitler was a Zionist agent in disguise, working for the greedy oligarchs to start a war to kill Germans, just like the Zionist regime killing its own population today.


Expansionist greedy forms of Nazism, Zionism and Oligarchy, stealing from people and nations, and murdering, are not antipodes. They are all satanic brothers.

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Do you have a source for the quote by Assange?

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Looks like it might not really be from Assange:


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Yes, indeed, Patrick. The quote by Assange seemed fake, to me, so I searched for it. Thanks for the source leading to "Illumninatibot"! I believe it was not "illuminating" and the content probably misleading too.

Cui Bono? Who benefits?

Well. Looking at the Epstein-Maxwell connection with Israel, I suspect that genocidal Zionists might be trying to put all the blame of their Ketamine-hypnosis-MK Ultra style(times 100)-Child-raping-murderous-satanic-activity to compromise political leaders, on CIA and FBI, whom if Christian, or just decent patriots, probably are troubled by the situation, and I do believe many of them are, but know what Mossad has the capability to do in the Zionist USA, so they might be afraid to expose it, thinking it might be unpatriotic or dangerous to do.

As an atheist, until I spoke with God directly, I do understand their doubt and fear, but the ones in fear do not have to be afraid, if we act in a spirit of compassion.

We can save also Mossad and all genocidal Zionists and even Satan himself. Jesus called one of his disciples "Satan'" once, according to the Bible, so he probably wants to meet Satan and probably wants to hug him too.

I believe the solution is forgiveness, for the ones who are motivated to receive it, doing like Jesus, even forgiving the ones who were responsible for his crucifixion, even forgiving the sinners in the CIA, FBI and Mossad, even forgiving the politicians who might be their mind controlled victims.

Especially Revelation 3:9 is very revealing about who might be in on this, but also Jesus last prayer, asking us all to create unity!

So. Admit, explain, read the words of Jesus, ask for forgiveness, have good intentions, begin doing the right things, and do get baptized in the name of Jesus, and hope to receive forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, so that you are able to both feel great, and be very successful in your actions!

It is easy to make loving and caring memes. You already do many of those, Patrick! I actually think the loving ones, with pity and compassion and things we all can agree on, are more effective in what we all want to achieve, especially if they point to a positive solution, as well.

We have to ask ourselves, do we only want to make our own team laugh, in an evil sarcastic way, or do we want to convince the other side? I want to convince also the other side, and that is why I want to be truthful and credible.

I believe even genocidal Zionists can be forgiven and become Real Jews, burning the genocidal Zionist flag together, and even become Real Christians together, accepting Jesus as their guide, so that God can become really proud of them.

God loves them all and wants to save them all from hell. Many of them are in "hell on earth" right now, but that is not the worst, according to witnesses who visited the dimension of hell...

One man I met, who was raped by his captors, whom he had to call mom and dad, was taken by Faun to hell so watch, and he said that what happened to child rapists in hell was 100 times worse than what happened to him. He was so afraid of coming to hell himself.

We agreed on trying to separate the satanists from children, but not to murder them, and being kind to them. I suggest also to give the satanists of the same sex to each other, and sex toys etc. but they must not be allowed to procreate, not being allowed to create more satanists, in my opinion, because satanic psychopathy seems to be genetic!

We must also realize that psychopaths can be very useful, for all of us, if raised well and cared for in the right way, even if some jobs and responsibilities must be off limits for them.

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It's still a good quote and likely true in content, so I'll leave that meme up.

You speak of forgiveness, but not for "genocidal Zionists", right?

That's how I feel about the genocidal maniacs like Fauci who have murdered millions and harmed the entire world.

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I think Jesus means we should forgive genocidal Zionists and democidal Fauci too, because stupid/evil people do not know what they are doing.


Is Fauci going to hell? Possibly. Jesus might just have said it indirectly, nicely?


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Double fuck them all.

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Some funny memes in here. Thanks!

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This will be FC'ed on FB. In the Netherlands at least.

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What does FC mean?

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fight club? lol

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Yes, that must be it.

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That Loudon County mother fell out the top of the stereotype tree and hit every branch on the way down. And then it fell on her.

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Right, it's such a caricature of wokeness that I wonder if it's real.

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# 30 for the win. There’s dozens (if not 100’s) of examples in the US. Hope somebody asks for proof

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thank you, patrick, for your relentless spreading of the truth via memes. you’re awesome!!

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You're welcome, KombuchaKid.

It's a lot of work, but I can't think of a better way that I personally can oppose evil.

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A great batch today!

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