memes from 2024-03-30 »
I post the most inflammatory memes I can find or create each day, but only those which make some good point being censored by the comically corrupt corporate media. Memes are funny only when they are TRUE but you're not supposed to admit it. This is why the left cannot meme - lies just aren't funny.
To suggest new memes, post them anywhere on Patrick gets notified of new images.
Feel free to repost any of these memes on other sites. Reposting is the highest compliment you can give a meme.
Suggestions? Email
Australia just got 530,000 non English speaking Uber drivers in 2023. We are so Woke (evil) that we refuse to invite every White South African (without a criminal record,) into Australia, as we should. Hard working, industrious, Christian. This is anathema to the Marxist Wokesters in power. Bring them here, watch Australia prosper as Sth Africa collapes under its' racist, murderous cull of all White people. Let the machete wavers try and run a nation.
Great collection, Patrick. Many thanks for your wit & wisdom.